America’s Finest President

Cuando tena August 7 yo le pregunte a mi abuelo: “Dad, quien es ese blanco en esa photo?”

I answered myself abuelo: “El es Abraham Lincoln. El libero a los slavos negros en los Estados Unidos».

Photo Luego mire de otra in the photograph of Abraham Lincoln and pregunte et mi abuelo: “Dad, quienes son esos dos hombres juntos et esa photo?”

Mi abuelo contesto: El Negroes and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. El trabajo para los Derechos de los Negros and Los Estados Unidos con el blanco llamado.

Translated: e

I had this conversation with my grandfather, whom I called Dad:

When I was seven years old, I asked my grandfather, “Daddy, who is this white man in this portrait?”

My grandfather said, “This is Abraham Lincoln. He freed black slaves from the United States.”

Then I looked at the portrait next to Abraham Lincoln and asked my grandfather, who are the two men together in this portrait?

My grandfather said, “The black man is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He worked for the rights of blacks in the United States with a white man named.

Hello, my name is Jose! This was the first english sentence I learned when I came to the United States from Honduras, a five-star country in Latin America. I distinctly remember sitting on the plane struggling to learn English, reading my book in English called Ingles Sin Barreras. It is a program for Latinos, allowing you to learn English in the proper way, which was useful and easy to understand at home. “Hello, my name is Yu” and I filled the empty space with the word “Jos.” I wanted to say this sentence to the person sitting next to me on the plane … But I didn’t feel safe, I didn’t know if I would speak clearly. I was afraid of this man’s reaction to my ignorance of English.

I found a lot of negativity in my mind and mental barriers saying to myself: what if this person ignores me? What if this man doesn’t understand me? Then I thought to myself: the solution is practice. I decided to practice “Hi, my name is Jos” over and over again; it may seem simple to you, but if you’ve tried to learn a foreign language, you’ll appreciate the difficulty first.

Seeing that the plane was about to arrive at Los Angeles International Airport, knowing that I had learned my first English sentence in my mind, I gathered a REALLY GOOD to finally say to the person sitting next to me: Hi, my name is Jos! I learned this bold dedication from my childhood in Honduras, thanks to the .

Today, on Monday, February 8, 2010, I am honored to participate in the Transit TV essay contest to write about the President of the United States, who, I believe, has had the most positive impact on the country and who, as it turned out, agrees with my point of view. being one of the two major American presidents, along with Abraham Lincoln, for his courageous commitment to peace in the United States of America and the world. I write this essay with poor English, but above all, it comes from the bottom of my heart.

Born on May 29, 1917 in Brooklyn, Massachusetts. His health from childhood to adulthood was never good, but his love for America and the world kept America’s promise. America’s promise is deeply rooted in the “American Dream,” which began in 1776, when the Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence, which prompted the Thirteen Colonies to declare independence from Britain. Om specieker en duidelijker te zijn, The promise of America is embodied in the grondwet van de Verenigde Staten van America, maar het moet wereldwijd worden gerealiseerd omdat het vanaf vanaf vandaag maandag 8 februari 2010’s wereketij isjketikrijke isk’tij isk’tij isk’tij isk’tij isk’tij isk’tij’ kr. vrijheid en het nastreven van geluk voor iedereen, waaronder iedereen uit all lagen van de bevolking, ongeacht iemands geslacht, ras, politieke opvattingen, nationality, religion, seksuele geaardheid, etniciteite, huidskleur. We are all a period like E-Pluribus Unum in Latin is a period of many, we are united according to God.

Yes, in God we believe that we are all one family. He understood that he needed to overcome all obstacles, even his personal health and well-being, to stand up and do his best to fulfill America’s promise with its EXCLUSIVE AMERICA The Beautiful.

Suffering from the greatest health problem of all time, including malaria, Addison’s disease and chronic back pain, his courageous dedication has kept him steadfast and faithful to America while serving in the U.S. military. during his career at Harvard College, where he tried himself on almost all university sports teams, but earned a place on the university swimming team and lived at the John Winthrop House from his second year of study until graduation. He originally wanted to serve in the U.S. Army with honor, but was refused due to back pain. He did not serve in the United States Army and was eventually recruited into the U.S. Navy during World War II. America honors those who serve it with the greatest love and devotion.

I’m so inspired that if anything happens to her, I’ll protect her with all my heart. I remember studying at the National University of Honduras (UNAH) during the 9/11 terrorist attack in Tegusillap, Honduras, as the youngest student after high school, one of the best student awards in the country. and selected to play for the Honduran under-17 football team. This news about 9/11 scared me that I decided to actively serve in the United States Army to protect Beautiful America. Suddenly, the U.S. Embassy in Honduras granted my family permanent residence in the United States, sponsored by my aunt Maria Asteria Manaise, to come to the United States to study with my grandfather, Hos Ipolito Senteno under the pseudonym Santos Senteno, who is a prominent author of a series of books about civil rights and black history in Latin America, I learned that I was a strong-headed author of a series of books on civil rights and black history in Latin America. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 before it was killed on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. It’s a remarkable contribution that’s a remarkable contribution, which is his family.



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