January 29, 2020

Tanning enthusiasts are often worried their tan will not last for long. Or that their tan will not be dark or deep enough. So if you can relate to this, then maybe you want to know how to get a tan fast.

The thing about tanning is that it is a process with results completely under your control. If you prep well and follow a few simple instructions, your tan is bound to develop quickly and even stay for a longer time.

But, along the way, you also have to keep certain safety tips in mind. Just because you wish to get a natural-looking sun-kissed glow quickly does not mean putting the health of your skin at risk. So, in this article, I am going to tell you everything you need to know about tanning fast safely.

What Factors Does Your Tanning Capacity Depend On?

How to get a tan with fair skin quickly? This section should help you understand how skin tone matters when it comes to tanning fast. Every person’s natural complexion is unique. And it is this natural skin tone that determines how dark your tan is going to be.

Fair-skinned women and men burn almost instantly in the sun if they do not tan the right way. Or if they tan for too long. While others might take a while to get there. But do you know why that is? It is because of melanin production. Melanin is nothing but your skin pigment that is responsible for developing the tan.

Lighter skin tones contain less melanin, thus they turn red or burn easily. As for those with a darker complexion, they have higher levels of melanin in their skin. This means a lower risk of developing sunburns. And a higher chance of getting darker quickly.

Melanin in the skin is your body’s natural way of protecting its deeper layers from getting damaged. But you have to know that just because there is no sunburn or redness does not mean the UV rays of the sun are not causing harm.

How To Tan Faster And Darker Outside

To be honest, the question “how to get a dark tan in one day?” makes no sense because tanning is a gradual process. You cannot rush it nor can you over-do tanning or over-use tanning products. It is just going to have serious negative effects on your skin if you do.

So how about you make the tanning experience safe and enjoyable instead of something you might regret later? Just follow these simple instructions below and you will see how your tan develops quickly and lasts for longer than expected.

1. Apply sunscreen no matter what

Do you really believe that low SPF contributes to developing a tan? WRONG! Choosing the lack of sun protection just to get a deeper, faster sun-kissed glow is a bad idea. Irrespective of whether your skin is sensitive or susceptible to burning, unprotected sun exposure is certainly going to harm. When I say harm, I mean skin issues like premature aging and even skin cancer.

No matter what, you should be applying top japanese sunscreen every single time you decide to tan. Make sure this sunscreen formulation is broad-spectrum, meaning well-equipped to protect your skin from both the UVB and UVA rays of the sun. Also, ensure that the SPF rating is 30 or higher.

Tanning oils claim they provide sun protection and maybe some of them really do. Nevertheless, wear a layer of sunscreen below that to block the harmful rays of the sun. And if your sun exposure exceeds 2 hours, then re-apply the sunscreen.

2. Consume foods with high beta carotene

Now I do not mean taking tanning supplements for boosting your skin’s capacity to tan. In that department, the research available is very limited and not trustworthy. So it is best to avoid these supplements. Instead, go for natural foods that contain a high level of beta carotene.

What are these natural foods by the way? They include sweet potatoes, carrots, cantaloupe melon, and peppers. Even leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale are a great source of beta carotene.

What beta carotene does is tans your skin without burning it. This particular pigment also contributes to making your skin less sensitive to the sun.

What is more is that beta carotene is packed with antioxidants that destroy free radicals while also reducing the oxidative stress your skin goes through. The outcome of this is a lower risk of skin damage caused by the UV light.

3. Exfoliate your skin before tanning

Prepping your skin before your tanning session is a very important step yet it is highly neglected. When you prepare your skin by exfoliating it gently, you are actually paving the way for your tan to develop deeper, faster, and longer. So do not underestimate the power of exfoliation and even sunscreen when it comes to tanning.

4. Use oils that offer extra sun protection

There is no reason to replace your regular sunscreen with these oils. Sunscreen goes on no matter how high the SPF of the oil.

Moving on, oils like carrot oil, raspberry oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil deliver additional sun protection as well as hydration. Both of which are necessary for getting a tan fast and deep.

5. Go for a fake tan instead

How to get a tan fast without sun? The answer is the best self-tanning lotion. You do not have to expose your skin to the harmful UV light of the sun or the tanning bed in this case. And that is great, is it not?

Fake tans are the fastest just by the way. And do not think of them as a streaky experience. Self-tanners have definitely evolved and come a long way. There are creams, spray-ons, mousses, and more.

The best way to get the most desirable fake tan results is preparation. Do not apply any heavy lotion or body oil before your tanning session at home. Because if you do, the barrier doesn’t allow the self-tanner DHA to interact with your skin as it should.

Once again, exfoliate before the tanning process. And after tanning, avoid taking a shower with warm or hot water.

Lastly, do not over-use the self-tanning formula. Follow the instructions the manufacturer provides to build a gradual tan instead of carelessly and hastily rushing to achieve deeper, darker results.

6. Tan at the right time

If you wish to tan faster, then you have got to expose your skin to the sun when it is at its strongest. And that is between 12 p.m. and 3 p.m.

But remember one thing though. That the sun at its strongest also means the most amount of skin damage. So if you are fair-skinned, then avoid tanning between noon and 3 in the afternoon. Instead, tan during the morning hours or post 3 p.m.

And once again, do not skip your sunscreen. Irrespective of whether your natural complexion is fair, medium, or dark.


Other easy to implement tips include drinking tons of water to prevent dehydration. Taking shade breaks for avoiding the possibility of developing sunburns.

You should also apply a good moisturizer or lotion equipped with natural, nourishing ingredients after the tanning session. This keeps your skin from peeling. But, more importantly, it delivers moisture into your skin to make the tan last for longer.

So now you know that getting a tan fast is not just a pipe dream. You can achieve this goal simply by following the instructions I have outlined in the post.

But whatever you do, do not skip sunscreen and exfoliation. It is important that you tan your skin safely. Otherwise, nothing can prevent sunburns, premature aging, redness, skin sensitivities, and the like. Even skin cancer is a possibility when you tan too often without a high-SPF sunscreen formula.



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